How Jason Isaacs Convinced Me to Quit Twitter

I met Jason Isaacs at the Calgary Expo yesterday. It turns out that Lucius Malfoy is a pretty nice guy. Included with the autograph fee is the picture that the celebrity signs, so I chose a promotional image from Awake. When Jason saw the picture I chose, he said, “Oh, thank you for choosing this one!”

According to Jason, the second season of Awake would have introduced a third reality in which Michael is dreaming. Jason told me to watch the Awake series finale with “through that prism.”

I tweeted Jason a couple of weeks ago. I told him that his bio wasn’t linking to his instagram and I explained how to change it. Then he did. I think that’s my one good “Twitter deed.” Now I can quit-or, go on hiatus for a while.

I just don’t know what people get out of Twitter. Maybe I’m using it incorrectly; I know it’s great for promotional purposes, but right now I want to focus on writing.

After all, most well known Twitter users aren’t well known because of Twitter. They’re well known because they actually accomplished something. I need to spend more time writing and less time on social media.

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